Ñust`as: Healing Forces of Nature–Sold Out!

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Date(s) - 09/10/2021 - 09/12/2021
All Day

Ñust`as: Healing Forces of Nature–Sold Out!

With Suzannah Tebbe Davis, Ellen Kittredge and Sheila Guarnagia

Please email ellen_kittredge@yahoo.com to get on waitlist in case a spot opens.


The beautiful Highland Lake Inn and Resort in Flat Rock, NC (about 40 minutes from downtown Asheville)


Friday September 10th, 1pm – 9pm
Saturday September 11th, 9am – 9:30 pm
Sunday September 12th, 9am – 5pm

We Are Living in a Time of Emerging Prophecy

Q’ero medicine men and womenThe prophecies of indigenous cultures across the planet share one critical commonality. They speak to the re-emergence of a harmonized and dynamic relationship between humans and the natural world. These prophecies, which have been passed down orally for many generations, for the most part emphasize a positive unfolding, as long as we CHOOSE this destiny through our actions.

Prophecy does not write itself. It is birthed by those who awaken and choose to step into active engagement. It is our sacred and profound honor at this time to accept our destiny of the co-creative process of walking the planet forward into the new earth that is birthing – a new world of harmonization, balance, and sacred reciprocity. Entering into relationship with the Ñust`as through ceremony, teachings and practices offers that harmonization.

Suzannah and Ellen sitting in front of a large rockThe Ñust`as: Healing Forces of Nature are essential guides on our path. The Ñust`as support us in becoming all of who we are. They have been with us since our birth, and are waiting for us to receive them now.

The teachings, wisdom and guidance about the Ñust`as have been introduced to us by Q’ero medicine men and women from the high Andes of Peru – through the teachings of Elizabeth Jenkins, founder of the Wiraqocha Foundation, who has been bringing the Q’ero traditions and teachings to the West for the last 30+ years. Additional thanks for Zane Curfman and Salka Munay Ayllu for sharing some of the key context for the Ñust`a teachings with us.

“As above, so below,
as within, so without,
as the universe, so the soul” ~ Hermes Trismegistus

The Q’ero have been called down from the mountains (as part of their prophecy) to offer their wisdom teachings to the rest of the world at this time.

As an intact culture that has lived in relative harmony with the Earth in incredibly harsh circumstances for hundreds of years, the Q’ero have much to teach about how engaging in sacred reciprocity with the Healing Forces of Nature can allow one to embody inner and outer balance, not to mention more love, gratitude, self-acceptance, and joy! Above all these beautiful medicine men and women embody a deep joy that is grounded in their love and respect for all of creation.

The teachings about the Ñust`as have only recently been made available to the West, and so this body of wisdom is relatively new to the world, and yet is grounded in hundreds of years of deep engagement and sacred practice. (Please read more about the Ñust`as for some historical context, at the Wiraqocha Foundation blog.

By learning how to be in sacred relationship with the Ñust`as, you enter into an increasingly dynamic global community of sacred activists for planetary change, accelerating the rebalancing of our pachamama, mother earth, and contributing to her healing.

And so we invite you into a deeper engagement with the Ñust`as to support you in:

• Balancing and Harmonizing your Divine Feminine and Sacred Masculine Energies
• Opening your Heart and Softening your Ego
• Accelerating your Healing Process and Transforming old Wounds
• Elevating your Energy Field
• Opening to Deep Love and Sublime Bliss
• Becoming a Sacred Activist for Planetary Renewal

“The receipt of the Ñust`a Karpay rites has been the great integrator of the wisdom teachings I have received over the years. Their wise and dynamic counsel guide me in meditation and action, always from the heart. – BS

Why Receive this Connection with the Ñust`as? What are the Benefits?

Suitable for both beginners and those who are more advanced in their healing paths, this workshop offers a unique opportunity to transform life on an individual and collective level.

The Ñust`as offer a heart-centered way of living and support us in opening to our true potential and capacity to love and live fully in the moment, thus offering the gift of our embodied presence to all whom we engage with.

Direct benefits include a heightening of intuitive abilities, a new appreciation and relationship to Nature, a capacity to love more fully and live from the heart, a healing of old wounds and self-destructive behaviors, a liberation of one’s true voice, a reduction in toxic emotions such as fear, guilt, and shame, a clearing of non-serving ancestral lineage patterns, and an awakening to joy, purpose and passion.

Participants will come away with a deeper sense of themselves and a potent set of practices, which includes the ability to recognize and enter into active engagement with your unique local Ñust`as, allowing for energetic integration and continued growth.

Aligning with the Healing Forces of Nature supports you in becoming more fully embodied in your capacity to become a positive healing force in your life, and in the lives of all whom you touch. Through your work with the Ñust`as over time you will come to know yourself as a Healing Force of Nature.


Regular Cost
$375 before August 1st (Early Bird Special!)
$415 after August 15th

For Past Attendees of the Nust’a Karpay, your cost is $285.

Payment options:

1. Deposit to secure your spot of $150 (the rest of the amount to be paid 3 weeks before the workshop)

2. Pay in Full – Early Bird (by August 1st): $375

3. Past Attendee Rate: $285

Update July 16–Workshop is Sold Out! Please email ellen_kittredge@yahoo.com to get on waitlist in case a spot opens.

Prefer to pay via check or cash? Please contact Ellen at ellen_kittredge@yahoo.com to arrange other payment options. Alternatively you can also pay via Square. Please get in touch to arrange.

Want to attend but need to make payments in installments? We can accept payments in installments if that is necessary for your budget. Please contact Ellen at ellen_kittredge@yahoo.com to discuss.

All program materials, coffee, tea, water, and a nutritious vegetarian gluten-free meal on Friday and Saturday nights are included. Please bring your own breakfast/lunch/snack for Saturday and Sunday. Or, there is a delicious restaurant on site at Highlands, as well as several places to eat nearby, including a health food store with a great deli section within a short drive from Highlands.


Shared rooms (two beds per room) are available for $55 a night at Highlands. If you would like to reserve a room for the workshop, please email Ellen at ellen_kittredge@yahoo.com to arrange accommodations. We can happily accommodate you with preferred room shares if you and a friend are both attending. Please be in touch directly after you register to discuss your housing needs/requests. Unfortunately Highland Lake Retreat Center is not allowing camping at this time.

What past Ñust`a workshop participants have to say:

“The Ñust`a Karpay has been the most glorious and loving experience for me, and I’ve had many others … I’m certain that I’m stepping into the world with a more pure and powerful medicine as a woman, as a global citizen and as a healer.” – AG

“Ellen and Suzannah are clearly passionate about and inspired by their work and relationship with the Ñust`as. They are both incredibly knowledgeable and hold a safe and loving container for the initiations and teachings to blossom. They flowed through the weekend effortlessly and complement and support each others teaching styles. Can’t wait for more offerings!” – Elaine M, Georgia

“The Ñust`a Karpay gathering and workshop is a beautiful guided experience. Ellen Kittredge and Suzannah Tebbe Davis are deeply at-tuned to their own loving hearts and bring intuitive wisdom, deep presence, unhurried attention, in union with ayni (sacred reciprocity) and in unison with each individual as well as the collective group. The transmission of the sacred wisdom of the Divine Feminine are Peruvian Rites of passage, awakening the sense of Mother Nature and all of her Relations, connecting us to our own heart and the One Heart as we traverse the valleys and mountains of our own paths. This was a powerful ceremony of ritual, touching esoteric and visceral levels of our humanity and our cosmic heritage…a blessing of many colorful folds.” – HB, Georgia

“Ellen and Suzannah are miraculous Weavers of the Sacred tapestry called life. Together they create alchemy by both allowing the personal healing journey and providing a safe space to deepen beyond expectation. It has been an incredible, life-changing gift to participate in their offerings. I cannot recommend their wisdom enough.” – Kady Morgan

“Of all the teachings and paths I have followed over the years, the Ñust`a Karpay rites have powerfully ignited my soul and propelled me into action from a heart based approach.” – KH

About the facilitators:

Suzannah in front of flower daspacho altarSuzannah Tebbe Davis is a Shamanic Energy Medicine woman who has maintained an active energy medicine practice for over 20 years. Her background includes an undergraduate degree in psychology, masters level concentration in Social Work, two decades of advanced leadership roles within the field of human services and social justice, healing touch, graduate of the Institute of Healing Arts and Sciences, based on the work of Barbara Brennan, graduate of Sacred Centers, the work of Anodea Judith, graduate of the Four Winds Society, based on the work of Alberto Villoldo and ordination in the five precepts of the Theravada Buddhist lineage. Suzannah has been actively studying with several indigenous high wisdom Peruvian medicine men and women for the past 9 years and has received key initiation rites from them. In addition to her private practice, Suzannah offers mentoring, public speaking and leads workshops, retreats and sacred ceremonies internationally. For further information about Suzannah please go to www.yourawakenedlife.net.

Suzannah is a co-founder of All Our Relations, a diverse group of leaders whose mission is to create unification through unconditional love, sacred witnessing and spiritual regeneration in order to uplift the collective consciousness.

Ellen Kittredge, CHC is a Nutrition Counselor, Minister, Energy Healer and Practitioner of Andean Nature Mysticism. Ellen works holistically with her clients to provide healing at all levels of their being (physical, emotional, and spiritual). Ellen has engaged in extensive study over the last 10 years in indigenous Andean healing modalities. As part of her training in Andean healing modalities she has received several transformative initiations/rites from her teachers of the Nature Wisdom Pathway of the High Andes, including the Starkeeper Rites, the Ñust`a Rites and the Hatun Karpay. Ellen regularly leads earth honoring ceremonies around the country and world. In 2014 she helped to co-found and then for 5 years, taught for the Eagle Condor Healing Intensive through the Eagle Condor Council.

Ellen uses healing foods, lifestyle coaching, energy clearing techniques, spiritual counseling, earth medicine healing techniques and a variety of other tools in her individualized approach to creating optimal health for her clients. Ellen has a deep passion for her own personal transformation, as well as that of her clients.

Sheila Guarnagia, M.Ac., L.Ac., Dipl.Ac., Dipl.C.H., holds a B.A. in Biology from Smith College, a Master of Acupuncture from the New England School of Acupuncture, and is certified by the NCCAOM as a Diplomate in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbology. She has worked and published in the fields of ecological and medical research and completed over 4 years as an apprentice home birth midwife in Arizona. Since 2004 Sheila has studied and integrated Appalachian Folk Medicine and Traditional Western Herbal Medicine into her healing arts practice.

In 2018 Sheila completed the Eagle Condor Council Healing Intensive and Pilgrimage and has since become a teacher and lineage carrier of this traditional Andean Spiritual Healing modality. She has also received initiation in the Teqse Ñust`a Qarpay, the lineage that serves, transmits, and strengthens our connection to the Feminine Healing Forces of Nature as taught by the Ñust`a Paqos of Q’eros and Elizabeth Jenkins, Suzannah Tebbe Davis, and Ellen Kittredge. Sheila’s exploration of these vital, ancient, and fundamental streams of gnosis continues as she seeks to integrate and interweave the deep and common truths of these enlightened wisdom traditions of our Ancestors. SGHealingArts.com


Regular Cost
$375 before August 1st (Early Bird Special!)
$415 after August 15th

For Past Attendees of the Nust’a Karpay, your cost is $285.

Payment options:

1. Deposit to secure your spot of $150 (the rest of the amount to be paid 3 weeks before the workshop)

2. Pay in Full – Early Bird (by August 1st): $375

3. Past Attendee Rate: $285

Update July 16–Workshop is Sold Out! Please email ellen_kittredge@yahoo.com to get on waitlist in case a spot opens.

Prefer to pay via check or cash? Please contact Ellen at ellen_kittredge@yahoo.com to arrange other payment options. Alternatively you can also pay via Square. Please get in touch to arrange.

Want to attend but need to make payments in installments? We can accept payments in installments if that is necessary for your budget. Please contact Ellen at ellen_kittredge@yahoo.com to discuss.


*Refund Policy: Cancellations 5 weeks before = full refund, 3 weeks before = 50% refund, 1 week before (non-emergency) = 25% refund.

**In the small chance that we have to cancel due to changes in State or Federal COVID restrictions that are out of our control, we will be able to refund 90% of your payment, as that is what we can get back from the Retreat Center where we are holding the retreat. If you are ill just prior to the retreat or have an unavoidable family emergency and need to cancel, we will pass forward 100% of your registration fee to the next time we offer this workshop.

***We plan to hold the majority of the retreat out-of-doors, though there will be times where we are indoors. Please feel free to take whatever safety precautions you feel are necessary, and please do get a test if you have any concerns about your health prior to the retreat.